GutWire Ultimate Grounding Cable

With the recent reviews, and positive reports from a couple of members here, I decided to take the plunge and order one.

Like others I have been intrigued by the positive reviews for grounding blocks from various companies, but the prices are prohibitive. I decided to spend the extra $100 for the Ultimate over the Perfect as both reviews say it offers significant improvement. I am planning on plugging it into an unused RCA input on my Antique Sound Labs autoformer passive pre. I'll post updates after I get it, and have broken it in.

I'm not sure if my Ultimate Ground has fully broken/settled in yet, but the break in brightness is gone, and my system is sounding amazing. Realism, musical involvement and enjoyment have been raised to a new level.

Prior to adding it, I had already taken extensive measures to deal with various types of noise. Most recently I put RCA shorting plugs on all the unused inputs on my pre. This made another very nice improvement. I was wondering how much further could the Ultimate Ground lower the noise floor? The answer is, “Quite a bit”.

One note: the Ultimate is definitely in the stiffer “garden hose” category of cables (although the section close to the RCA end is narrower). You will need some space behind the component to fit it. If this is a concern, you may want to consider going with the Perfect. The standard length is 6’.
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Yes, they are also called terminators, or termination plugs. I use one on the SPDIF out of my CD transport and the BNC input of DAC. They made a difference (at least in my system). The nice thing is they are fairly cheap.

As far as the RCAs, make sure they are actual shorting plugs, with a resistor, not just caps, like these:
Wonder why jaybe's post was removed? Nothing offensive, or against the rules, that I could see.
With about 30 hours on the Ultimate Ground it has loss that slight brightness and my system is sounding better than ever. Lower/eliminating noise does wonders by allowing the music to come forth with better tone, more air and allowing the most subtle details to emerge. The Ultimate Ground along with proper component isolation/coupling has brought about the lowest noise floor in my system yet.