Pass Labs XA30.8: is it enough for Wilson Sasha 2?

I’ve Sasha 2 in a small room, connected to a pre ARC LS5 and a Symphonic Line Krafwerk as power amplifier. It’s a good chain, even if it lacks of fineness in the mid range and it has a small sound stage. I would like to substitute the Kraftwerk with the Pass XA30.8.
Does someone own this power unit connected with Sasha 2? Does XA30.8 have enough power?
Thanks for any feedback!
I look forward in reading more about your situation- pinox67

Happy Listening!
At the date the best amplification chain that I tried with Sasha 2, but also with B&W Nautilus 803, is with ARC LS5 + Ahifi 845 pair. The latter is an old power unit built by a small Italian builder, based on a pair of 845 tubes, the same mounted on Nagra VPA.
What you have from Ahifi 845 is not so far from VPA: These ones give to sound an incredible sense of spatialy, in all directions, sounds objects are very well defined, sound is sweet, rich or harmonics, solid. Bass are not so strong, but well controlled.
Magic of 845!
I'm surprised by your statement, probably is not the Symphonic Line at fault here but the speakers-room interaction???
I have the Sasha 2 powered by the ARC Reference 75 SE which is more than adequate. Prior to my purchase I did a fair amount of research, and on two sites it was reported that Wilson used the Ref 75 to voice the Sasha 2 s. 
My dealer had the Sashas setup in the  showroom with the Ref 75 SE for demo purposes and he knows his stuff owning the same store since 1977. He did hook them up with the Ayre mono blocks which also sounded quite good ( a lot more money ), but to my ears I preferred the ARC.
My listening room is 21x15.