Most satisfying system change in 2017?

What was your most satisfying addition or subtraction for your audio system this year?  Looking for changes in gear, set-up, or listening environment.  What floated your audio boat in 2017?
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Tekton DI upgraded speakers, Cerious Technologies Graphene Speaker Cables as well as GE interconnects, BAT vk 55se, and last, but not least, I plugged my pre amp into the same outlet as my amp and that made a huge difference in sound as well.
Another year above ground, listening to my 'rig. Hoping for many more!!!
Added a Finale Audio 7189 MK2 (7189a/EL84) integrated amp as 3rd amp in my main system; very pleased. 

Also, swapped in some Sophia Electric 6SN7s into my Modwright LS100 preamp; very pleased with them as well
To those that have done multiple upgrades, were these done at once or over the course of the year? If at once, did you listen between installing the new additions to see what changed?

@uberwaltz, what to you like about the nordosts? Which line did you go with?

@ghosthouse care to share your impressions of the F7? I’ll be in the market for an amp next year and my speakers are 98 dB sensitive..

Synergistic Research Black Fuses.  Believe it.  Those just amazed me when all I was expecting was maybe a mild bump.