Upgrading form Pass integrated amplifier to a better one


Currently I have a PASS INT-250 integrated amplifier . The Pass INT-250 is a very good integrated (in my system it was overall better than Plinius Hiato, Gamut D150se, Mark Levinson 535, Vitus RI-100,  Accuphase E-470 and some others) but I can't get rid of the feeling that I miss some explosiveness (drum kicks for example) and micro details.

I know that its not the speakers. The new Sonus faber tradition I have are much more open, dynamic and airy than previous Guarneri Evos, Elipasas SE and Amati Anniversarious I used to own. And before buying them I auditioned the Serafinos with Audio Research separates and it was the amazing combo. But I really prefer not to go the separates road ( ICs, power cords and space contribute to financial constrains also) and even so I like the combo of Pass and Serafinos overall but from time to time looking for some better integrated on the market.

Currently I presented with a good opportunity to buy latest Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated or latest just released Accuphase E-650.  No possiblilty to demo them, so I am asking here on the forum if anybody can comment if Gryphon Diablo 300 or Accuphase E-650 will be better integrated than Pass INT250 overall and especially in terms of dynamics, micro details and harmonics.

Any advise and opinion would be very appreciated.

My system: Esoteric K-05x, Pass INT-250, Sonus Faber Serafinos, all cabling are the Shunyata Sigmas.

Room is 12" wide by 17" long. Listen mostly acoustic jazz and chamber classical on low to moderate levels.

Thank you.

@denon1 - good move on the Esoteric upgrade going from K-05X to K01X.  I did exactly the same thing earlier this year.  A few months ago, I also purchased an Aurender N10.    You will be handsomely rewarded!

Guys, my gryphon diablo 300 has about 200 hours on it and I think it fully burned in now. The overall sound is so refined but at the same time rich and textured, far from thin , cold or analytical, but at the same time I can’t say it’s warm or thick  sounding, as I said before, it’s closer to live sound more than any integrated I had and heard.

i will also put the end to some concerns about heat. Yesterday I used it non stop for about 7 hours and it became just moderatly warm to touch. The pass int-250 has been much warmer in my system.

greginnth, thanks. Looks like I follow your steps, next on the horizon is aurender n10. Also  bought stillpoints ultra ss to use on k-01x that should come in a week. 

Happy New 2018 to all. 
Great. I bet, soon enough one would have to wait for at least six months to get one. Probably the similar would happen to Ypsilon Phaethon.