Budget Audience Clone?

I borrowed a pair of Audience Conductor e speaker cables and they sound fantastic in my system. I have been using Canare 4s11 which sound very good for the price, warm and full and reasonable detailed with a slight softening of transients. The audience has brought everything up a couple notches, including separation, detail, bass tightness and air. My question is, are there any budget speaker cables that are sonically similar to audience? I know the conductor e is not super expensive, but there are other life priorities right now. I should also mention that I liked some of the things that Nordost Blue Heaven did for my system when I borrowed them, but I love everything that the Audience does.

thanks for your input. My experience with silver is limited, however I do own a pair of DIY (made by ebay seller) solid silver IC's that I love and beat out a few name brands in my system. My experience echoes yours sonically. I have a good feeling about Paul's cables so I'm sure I will give them a try at some point.
The Gallo CDT tweeter has a very extended top-end. I don’t think an all silver conductor would suit it, as your IC's are silver.
I use a full-bodied cable (Purist) with my Gallo’s.
Actually, with the silver IC's and my solid silver USB cable, I found less glare than with competing copper models.