Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions

I recently purchased a demo pair of Vandersteen Treo (non CT), and am wondering what people recommend for bi-wired speaker cables? The Treos will be paired with a Hegel H-160 solid state integrated amp.

The dealer I am purchasing from has recommended Cardas Parsec speaker cables. Does anyone have experience with these? Would be very interested to hear what has worked for others. I'm excited to spend some time over the holidays with these awesome speakers!

(If helpful, my system includes a Rega Planar 3 w/ Dynavector 10x5 and LFD Phonostage LE with LFD interconnects.)


Just wanted to follow up and say that I found a used pair of Audioquest Castle Rock cables for my Vandersteen Treos and have been quite pleased with the results so far.

I am still playing around with speaker placement and tweaking the listening height on the Treos, so will report back when everything is dialed in.

Thanks again for all your input!


keep us in the loop
i have a pair of the Treo CT on order in a wild ( well I think it is wild ) Ambrosia Maple veneer - I plan to start off running the LFD cable I spoke of.......

your setup thoughts and room tuning exprrience will be valuable
 Glad you are making progress.
 Make sure you read the Owners manual with distance and tailback.
 after you get that right try and find a Hegal Dac 12 and run it Balanced with an AQ Yukon XLR it will open up your digital to another level by comparison to the internal DAC and complement the system. 
So, for those who are interested, I took Johnny R's advice and ended up with an asymmetrical placement for my Treos based on the Vandersteen manual's math. Compared to my initial setup (which I just eyeballed), it is night and day! The soundstage is vastly improved, as is the bass response. I am very surprised/impressed by how much these simple adjustments have improved the overall sound and experience of the Treos. Really starting to love these things!

I am still experimenting with the listening height, and will see what works best for my listening room.

@audioconnection I have my Treos sitting on three Herbie's Decoupling Gliders ( These raise the speakers about 5/16" (8mm) off the floor, but don't effect tilt. Do you think I need to take this into consideration when setting the listening height/tailback adjustment? The Vandersteen chart situates me at 7 or 8 washers, and I've erred on the low end due to the added height of the gliders. So far, it sounds pretty damn good to me, but will experiment more and see what works best. Would appreciate any feedback.

@audioconnection Thanks for the Hegel D12 suggestion. Something to consider down the road for sure.