Modwright Preamp Owners.

I am asking which preamp you replaced with your Modwright LS100. In addition what preamp replaced your Modwright LS100?
I have yet to buy the LS 100 but trying to get a feeling what level of performance it offers. What preamps do people feel it betters?
Sorry hikmer was responding to your comment " The LS 100 seems to fit the perfect price point I'm trying to target, think I'll pull the trigger"
Thanks for the clarification.  Any other previous or current LS100 owner care to chime in?  For what this devices has to offer, I am surprised there aren't more stand alone reviews.
I started with a LS 36.5 (single box) which replaced an ARC LS26. The Modwright performed better than the ARC in my system, but the sound quality was close--both sounded pretty neutral, with the Modwright being a little more dynamically adept and detailed. At the suggestion of a friend I sold the LS 36.5 and replaced it with the LS100. The LS100 had significantly more "tube" characteristics, was warmer in tone and a little more spacious. However, I found it noisier than the LS36.5 (or the ARC LS26). Dan patiently worked with me to bring the noise level down but ultimately I decided to sell the LS100 in favor of a Herron VTSP-3A RO2 (which has since been upgraded to RO3 status). While more money than any of my prior linestages, in my system the Herron far outperformed the Modwright or ARC components. It is dead quiet, more musically natural sounding, has better timing (PRaT) and has more useful features. And as everyone here will acknowledge, Keith Herron is a joy to work with (no dis on Dan Wright who is also one of the true "good guys" in audio). Yes, the Herron is significantly more money. However, in my system it is clearly superior to any other linestage I have owned or auditioned. 
Anybody have any idea how the herron VTSP-3A R03 preamp stacks up against today's top flight preamps like the audio research ref6 or the levinson 52 , ayre kxr twenty or luxman c900u?