Budget Audience Clone?

I borrowed a pair of Audience Conductor e speaker cables and they sound fantastic in my system. I have been using Canare 4s11 which sound very good for the price, warm and full and reasonable detailed with a slight softening of transients. The audience has brought everything up a couple notches, including separation, detail, bass tightness and air. My question is, are there any budget speaker cables that are sonically similar to audience? I know the conductor e is not super expensive, but there are other life priorities right now. I should also mention that I liked some of the things that Nordost Blue Heaven did for my system when I borrowed them, but I love everything that the Audience does.
Actually, with the silver IC's and my solid silver USB cable, I found less glare than with competing copper models. 
clarinetmonster2 ,

Do you have mono block amps close to your speaker? If so, I have a pair of Audioquest Volcano (only 3 feet long) which seem to sound way better than my Audience Conductor..

These AQ cables were sitting in a box in my garage for the last 10 years. I took them out last month have have been using them because I sent in my Audience Conductor cables to be re-terminated to banana-on-amp and spade-on-speakers. They should be back in a week or 2.

After listening to the Audioquest for the past month I have a feeling it will be hard for me to go back to the Audience. However, I made the bonehead decisions 15 years ago to chop the 6 foot Audioquest to two 3 foot runs. Now I am stuck and the application for which I was using the Audience Conductor speaker cable, my desktop system (speakers on desk) will not work long term with the Audioquest. This is because I have to put the Peachtree Nova 150 integrated amp between the speakers on the desk due to the sort length of the wire. This give me limited desktop space to work. So I am going to have to go back to the 6 foot Audience Conductor. 

So if a mono block is what you have. I likely have a better speaker cable that I could sell. Contact me if you are interested. I will go through the A'Gon motions of selling a cable.
Paul’s cables are very good, they compete with my heimdall2 speaker cables...