Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Welcome! arvincastro

there are many experts here on the CS 3.5 loudspeaker.
I look forward in reading more about your system and upgrade path from integrated to separates.
Happy New Year!

I am also a BIG fan of the 3.5's.

As to your comments regarding how these speakers reveal flaws up and down the chain,  particularly with digital formats,  I can only state that the existing issue is not the speakers.

So far as tossing "vintage" separates at them to improve everything,  I have had a Threshold 400A amp mated to a BAT tubed preamp and the results were very good.  (I've tossed a pretty good amount of stuff at my Thiels,  in fact.)  My favorites?  For amplification,  hands down Pass Labs.  (X150.5 model) For pre-amps?  I really believe that Audio Research and Thiel are great matches.  I like having tubes in my preamps for Thiel.  ARC just has this "punchiness" that I like.  LS3 and LS3b (tubed) models can be found on here at VERY fair prices.  And they can still be repaired if an issue ever arises.

I actually sold my Threshold fairly cheap because the meter lights weren't working - or so I thought.  Turns out I wasn't throwing enough power to the speakers.  (3.5's)  As unsound,  another member here and a wealth of things regarding Thiel overall related once,  the 3.5's are one of the easiest models to drive.  For the record,  I always left the bass equalizer in operation.  A few members have offered that they sound better without it,  but I disagree.  The speakers were designed to have it in use,  so who am I to argue with Jim Thiel's design?

Pass Labs,  even pre-owned,  can be expensive.  I've had two X150.5 amps,  paying a little more the second time around than the first,  approximately $2500.  A bargain,  given how well Pass mates with Thiel.  It just DOES for me.  I have since moved back to a BAT integrated with identical power ratings to the Pass Labs,  and it's working out fine.  Pass Labs integrated are difficult to find on the pre-owned market.  The INT150 has been discontinued but appears once in a while on the Renohifi site - a retailer I can highly recommend.  Mark is a gent and a good businessman.

I am currently selling my 3.6's because I miss the 3.5's so much.  I am hoping to find a local pair of 3.5,  or perhaps even a pair Maggie 1.7's.  I have a soft spot in my heart/head for both these brands and what they do so damn well.  

I forget to whom I offered the guts of the last pair of 3.5's I purchased here.  The cabinets were pretty rough and both midranges were inoperable,  so I gutted them and keep the raw drivers,  crossovers,  bass eq,  and grill hardware.  The midranges LOOK fine,  but they're dead - still repairable at around $300 apiece.  The woofers and tweeters are in fine condition, 100% operational.  Sequential serial numbers were on the cabinets as well.

Anyone willing to pick them up is welcome to them free of charge.
Good to see you- William,

I knew that you would chime in here to assist Arvin.
Happy Listening!
Thanks for the welcome, jafant...and Happy New Year to you & yours as well!

oblgny:  Thanks for your very detailed post...a lot of information I plan on putting to good use!  You've pretty much confirmed what I was suspecting...that the Thiels are simply reproducing what's been recorded.  

As a child of the 80's, I grew up in the world of Japanese "mid-fi". And while I have always been one who lives by "It's about listening to music", I cannot help but now feel that what I'm really needing to do is move into the realm of Hi-Fi.  The Thiels represent the first truly Hi-Fi piece of equipment I have owned & I can now understand why component matching becomes so critical as one "moves up the ladder."

It's a journey I will be excited to make...


since you have owned and lived w/ several Integrated amps, which one  fared better w/ Thiel speakers? We have the same musical tastes and I value your input/opinion as always.

Happy Listening!