Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel

Happy New Year to all!!

I am about to install 3 - 20 amp dedicated lines for my stereo. I still have space in my 200 amp main panel but was wondering if their is any benefit to installing a 60 amp sub panel for the 3 audio circuits , also as i am using 10 gauge wire and its not the easiest to manipulate should i hook up the bare wire to the receptacles looped around the screws or inserted in the holes or should i use spade connection's. any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
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Use levlok hospital grade outlets. They have pigtails and you connect it with wire nuts 
New house, ran 4 separate 20 amp circuits to 1 of the main panels. I asked my electrician and he thought that would be best. No hum or issues and have plenty of power for anything I want to use
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When I did my Listening room installation, I moved most the rest of the house circuits to a separate sub-panel - but I needed the space breaker wise.  If  you don't need the space just use your existing panel, but have your electrician tighten up all connections.

I ran 12/2 to the outlets but the longest run is only 20 feet of wire,  I have 9 dedicated lines, one leg of the incoming power is used for the tubed system,  4 circuits.  The other is for my SS system,  5 circuits including a 220V one.

I don't get caught up in the Outlet craze - use Leviton Industrial grade outlets.

Running separate dedicated lines will be the single most $ efficient upgrade to your system you can do, the second one will be room treatments.

Good Listening
