Carp & Hifiman ...
Anything political seems to be off limits here .... and for good reason. I absolutely love politics. In addition to music, literature (especially political history), my children, grandchildren and yes, my great grandchildren, politics is my driving force.
With that said, I don’t mind sharing with you guys that I used to belong to another site (not audiophile related) that had a politics section. I was a moderator on that forum. I thought it was great fun at first, but it soon denigrated into friends becoming enemies. In today’s political climate, it would be a lot worse. Therefore, as much as I would love to debate politics with some of you, I support the mods on this forum to keep the politics out. I think we should all respect that.
When a post is deleted by a moderator here on A’gon, the "offending" poster is notified via Email that their post was deleted and the reason why. Usually the deleted post had nothing to do with audio and everything to do with a lack of respect for another member. I think the categories for deletions are:
1. Lack of respect for other members ... like personal attacks.
2. Political discussions
3. Religious discussions.
4. Other things that don’t really pertain to audio.
There’s most likely more that I can’t think of right now ... but the key word is to watch our "P’s" and "Q’s" and for sure, try to be kinder in our dialogues.
Its fairly simple really. Just include something about audio along with your insults. *lol* That was a joke, Carp. :--)
Anything political seems to be off limits here .... and for good reason. I absolutely love politics. In addition to music, literature (especially political history), my children, grandchildren and yes, my great grandchildren, politics is my driving force.
With that said, I don’t mind sharing with you guys that I used to belong to another site (not audiophile related) that had a politics section. I was a moderator on that forum. I thought it was great fun at first, but it soon denigrated into friends becoming enemies. In today’s political climate, it would be a lot worse. Therefore, as much as I would love to debate politics with some of you, I support the mods on this forum to keep the politics out. I think we should all respect that.
When a post is deleted by a moderator here on A’gon, the "offending" poster is notified via Email that their post was deleted and the reason why. Usually the deleted post had nothing to do with audio and everything to do with a lack of respect for another member. I think the categories for deletions are:
1. Lack of respect for other members ... like personal attacks.
2. Political discussions
3. Religious discussions.
4. Other things that don’t really pertain to audio.
There’s most likely more that I can’t think of right now ... but the key word is to watch our "P’s" and "Q’s" and for sure, try to be kinder in our dialogues.
Its fairly simple really. Just include something about audio along with your insults. *lol* That was a joke, Carp. :--)