I am done George.... No more...
About time.
Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...
garypennstate7 posts01-06-2018 2:01pmHow do you repair a fuse? Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to just replace it. leog2015 OP44 posts01-06-2018 2:05pmAbsolutely!!! Even the repair department is cashing up on this snake oil hysteria. Next they'll be charging extra for special vacuum sealed postage, so you know your getting them fresh. Cheers George |
Back when I was a dealer for the original $16 Intelligent Chip, which was good for only 10 treatments before it ran out of steam, I offered a recharging fee of $25. Was that wrong? 😳 Not to beat a dead horse, all the angst and anger regarding the Audio Horizons fuses could have been avoided by staying within the 30 day guarantee period. Problem solved. |