Any Bryston 4B3 amp owners out there?

I'm strongly considering a 4B3 amp purchase. Bryston's warranty and build quality are as good as it gets and the price is in my budget. Pro reviews are good, I'm just wondering what owners may think. Are you pleased with the performance, what it's matched with, etc. I'm already aware of the specs, the story behind the design, and all the press release stuff. Plain talk would be appreciated.

I'm feelin' the love from you guys and it's appreciated. I'm an old man and desire something that I can enjoy with a minimum of trouble (don't we all!). I'd like to be able to listen and smile at the same time for a few years without equipment blowing up or burning out.
On a different amp thread that I started a few days ago, I brought the Pass Labs X250.8 into the discussion. I keep steering away from it because of it's size and the heat it generates. After reading: ’My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!' and input so far, it's becoming clear that a used X250.8 is clearly a better choice than a new 4B3. I may just strip down to my underwear, open a window, and live with the X250.8.


what gear is in your system? Which CJ amp did you own?

Happy Listening!

I owned a CJ MF2300a that was recently recapped...while it didn't have the same punch and dynamics of the 4B3, it did have more soundstage and upper range imaging.  The 4B3 in my system was way too laid back, dark and frankly not all that impressive.  The recent DNA-1 is a fantastic amplifier and gets into the music more while still keeping the character I had with the CJ amp.  Have a new pre-amp inbound now too as the gain on my LS17 is not a good match for the DNA-1
I just got a heads up on a Mark Levinson No. 532H as well on a different thread. When people are civil on this forum, there's a wealth of experience and knowledge that can't be beat. I wish I had more input to the good folks that are guiding me.