I found the NuForce to be very crisp and open sounding with decent bass. The B-6s are sort of like Pioneers with improved extension at both ends of the spectrum and smoother highs. I enjoyed both combinations (NuForce/Pioneer & NuForce/ELAC). I’m not sure what is going on with NuForce as a company. I get the impression, from their odd website, that they aren’t actively involved in the audio side (other than earphones)- at least I can’t get any other products to pop up. You’ve probably read that Jason Lim, a principle at NuForce, split off to form Nuprime which is producing a number of well interviewed audio products, ( like the IDA 8 & IDA 16 integrated amps). I wonder if the lower prices on NuForce DDA-120 indicates they are discontinued. If true, the good news is you get this quality of sound & industrial design for $249, the bad news may be that product support may be lacking at some point. I would buy from Audio Advisor, or Amazon that will be responsive if your aren’t happy. Not sure how soon you are looking to buy the ELACs, but Music Direct runs some nice sales, don’t remember what they had the B-6s for, but the Unifi UB-5s were $349, around Christmas.