Best analytical loudspeakers for strings (midrange)?


I am interested in comparing Wilson Yvettes (can obtain a discounted price, and which I have used in my house) versus Paradigm Persona 3F or 5F passive loudspeakers.

My system now combines McIntosh preamplifier, hybrid amplifier, PS Audio DirectStrem DAC, and transport, TIDAL server. My listening room is 300 square ft and has been optimized sound insulation (absorption and reflection tested using an audio engineer).

Although I love rock, electronica, jazz, and classical music, I want to be able to have high-resolution separation of different strings (violin, viola, cello, bass) in orchestral music, or even as solo instruments. I am a scientist, and I want to listen to high resolution ("clinical") sound.

Any advice? I have Wilson WattPuppy 7's and love the resolution, but I want to upgrade these speakers. I know that Vandersteen, Magico, etcetera are all great speakers as are many other brands, but I have limited my options at this point in time. 

Are the Paradigm Persona loudspeakers a better alternative to the Wilson Yvettes for string resolution?

Thanks in advance for any advice. - Gerry

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xgerryah930
Indeed. I have the 2805 (plus sub&Antimode 8033) and they are the most revealing, natural and disappearing (apart from their bulk...) speakers that I have ever heard (I have had Quad stats for more than 40 years). Their biggest limitations are low end extension (hence the sub) and loudness level (not an issue in a smaller room). If you have room for them, the bigger 2905 series addresses both extension and loudness to some extent, but they are even bulkier, and they need a bit more space behind them.
In their own league. JBL DD 6700. That’s midrange heaven. Dynamic subtle clear nuanced detailed and utterly free of compression or distortion. Enjoy
Post removed 

@gerry, I've had Magnepan and now JansZen hybrid electrostatic loudspeakers.  The JansZens are my retirement speaker.  Clarity and realism (via near zero distortion) are what ESL speakers bring to the table.  I have found Linear Tube Audio (David Berning designs) electronics to really allow the JansZens to soar with the realism we seek.  The combination of JansZen/LTA is very, very convincing.  JansZen speakers also come as powered models if you like convenience and possibly a stronger presentation. 

You didn't offer the size of your room or listening SPL preferences.  You may be looking at larger speakers that can play with more impact than the JansZens, but they won't sound more correct.  It kind of depends on your room size for a good match.  I've heard a number of ESL speakers and they all do the clarity and realism thing better than most IMO.  The bigger ones of course support bigger rooms.  I find horn based speakers kind of shouty.

Great cabling also matters greatly.  There are many good ones.  I am hooked on Cerious Technologies for cables.