DAC break-in...

I am ready to make the move from a cdp to a transport plus DAC. One of the DAC's I am interested in is notorious for a lengthy break-in. Taken into consideration my families listening habits, the shear amount of hours I am reading for expected settling is slightly disconcerting.

So is the break-in hours I am reading about synonymous with all brands...is it expected across the board regardless of price? Is there a price threshold where this is mitigated or performed by the manufacturer?

Hoping to learn here...TIA


As in all things Audio, it will be system dependent. Several variables will make it impossible to determine the break in length in your system. I will list a few;.... system resolution, your listening acuity, quality of source material and associated equipment.

Once you get the DAC installed I suggest you let it settle in by running a signal through it for at least two weeks straight. Enjoy the adventure!
Electronics (let alone cable) burn-in is another of those audiophile myths. Believe in it if you want - it is free world. My advice is to relax and not worry.
Willemj is right! Burn-in time for electronics and wire is a FALLACY.  A fancy word meaning "a mistaken belief". The proliferation of DAC's (some of them quite pricey!) in the belief of their superiority over one-box players is again a mistaken notion! It is just another ploy to extract money from the gullible! Capitalism is a savage beast that devours its children!