Tube vs. Solid State Rectifier

How much does the rectifier stage effect the character of an amplifier. So far, on nearly every SS/Tube decision that's come down, I've gone with tubes. Now, I'm looking at two 300b push-pull integrated amps, the main difference between the two is that one puts out 18W/ch and uses tube rectifiers while the other puts out 25W/ch and uses SS rectification. The SS unit has a much greater bandwidth and just specs out better in general. I'm leaning toward the SS rectifier as long as the amp will still have that tube magic. Your opinions will be appreciated.
Mlsstl: I don't need an up converter or voltage multiplyer if I change my golf cart from parallel to series. OK.,OK. I'll go back in my room.
The general scuttle-butt is a line-stage -preamp needs tube rectification to keep the magic; not an issue in a power amp.  Just put a Weber WS-1 in my St-120.  runs cooler.
I'm no expert but on 4 tube amps I've owned the rectifier made the greatest
difference in sound of anything . All used 12x6 or 12x4 .