Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Prof, Thanks for the speaker reviews/comparisons. Also, your AR/CJ comparisons have me very curious. I'm going to try to find some CJs to audition which is tough to do living in the Deep South.
Hi Arvin and fellow Thieliacks,

Just wanted to offer another option for your 3.5s.. I have found Rogue amps to be a great match with my Thiels. I have a Rogue Atlas Magnum (KT120s, 100wpc) that I use with my 3.7s. I find that it offers excellent (solid-state like) detail and bass control in additions to that luscious tube midrange. With its oversized transformers it has plenty of power and control... loudest I’ll usually go in my 15x20 listening space is about 11’oclock on my preamp dial. 

I recently sold my 3.5s (my first Thiel loves) and hooked them up for a few days to say my goodbyes and demo them for the buyer. I was so impressed with how good they sounded with the Rogue that I almost didn’t want to let them go! Compared to the 3.7s they weren’t quite as incredibly resolved and sounded a tad more compressed but they just had this extremely musical and “reach out and touch you” quality that in some ways even surpassed it’s newer siblings!

Enjoy those 3.5s!!

Also, if you’re considering going the integrated route, a Cronus Magnum might be something to look at. There’s one on the bay right now with KT120s that could be a great deal. The Cronus is basically my amp with a preamp and phono stage in one..
I’ve had a Rogue Cronus Magnum and it’s an incredible value - especially for tube gear.  I forget why I sold it off...

Probably because I’m on this site too much!

Another +vote for Rogue Audio- I found their gear to sound better than an ARC integrated, better value as well.

Happy Listening!