dynaquest is a troll. Since I HEARD the difference that TC and my other tweaks that I kept made to my musical enjoyment, then I deduced that they were effective. If they made little or no difference or made my enjoyment worse, I didn't buy the tweak. Green ink on CDs and Tice Clocks were not tried. At least a dozen vibration devices were tried and rejected. Shakti stones were ineffective or worse and rejected. I only keep what works.
geoffkait does not understand that I was writing hyperbole I know very well how and why most of my tweaks work although not to a scientific or engineering basis on all of them. Frank has introduced me to two tweaks with the least written scientific proof but with just as much HEARING proof that I need. I did not try another fuse or contact enhancement product prior to TC or black SR fuses. I was unhappy with the long break in time for the black fuse and stated so on the forum, willing to pay double for a ready to use fuse. SR obliged and produced a better, ready to use fuse for $20 more. Yes, the graphene appears to be on the exterior of the fuse. So what? It works for my system and my friends systems. They are ecstatic.
I was reluctant to use a contact enhancer because I thought they could gum up my connections or short out my equipment. Frank brought me a safe alternative which works. The price is worth it to me.
I do not have an engineering degree. I have four degrees from major universities, was a contractor building apartments and tract homes in the 1980s, was a commercial real estate appraiser, have extensive equity investments and dozens of rental properties. You can't pull the wool over my eyes easily. I learn from my mistakes. My audio systems were built over decades, not the latest, greatest thing. No one ever said that my equipment was out of date. No one ever came over and said my moded VPI TNT VI/SME IV and unmoded Benz Ruby 3 were not musical enough or that my near state of the art pre-amp/phono pre-amp/amps were not good enough. Because they are good enough to enjoy music on a continuous basis.
geoffkait does not understand that I was writing hyperbole I know very well how and why most of my tweaks work although not to a scientific or engineering basis on all of them. Frank has introduced me to two tweaks with the least written scientific proof but with just as much HEARING proof that I need. I did not try another fuse or contact enhancement product prior to TC or black SR fuses. I was unhappy with the long break in time for the black fuse and stated so on the forum, willing to pay double for a ready to use fuse. SR obliged and produced a better, ready to use fuse for $20 more. Yes, the graphene appears to be on the exterior of the fuse. So what? It works for my system and my friends systems. They are ecstatic.
I was reluctant to use a contact enhancer because I thought they could gum up my connections or short out my equipment. Frank brought me a safe alternative which works. The price is worth it to me.
I do not have an engineering degree. I have four degrees from major universities, was a contractor building apartments and tract homes in the 1980s, was a commercial real estate appraiser, have extensive equity investments and dozens of rental properties. You can't pull the wool over my eyes easily. I learn from my mistakes. My audio systems were built over decades, not the latest, greatest thing. No one ever said that my equipment was out of date. No one ever came over and said my moded VPI TNT VI/SME IV and unmoded Benz Ruby 3 were not musical enough or that my near state of the art pre-amp/phono pre-amp/amps were not good enough. Because they are good enough to enjoy music on a continuous basis.