"...there are multiple users here for whom the cost of entry to utilize this product is excessive for their limited budget..." If something one wants to purchase is too expensive (excessive) for one to afford with one’s limited budget, that means one does not have enough money to afford it. That means one is too poor to be purchasing said product. And I do get the idea. When fair and legitimate questions are asked and no answers to any of them are given, why wouldn’t you ask them again? Please tell me. How is wanting to know why no kind of guarantee is given on a product an illegitimate question? Is there a standard number of times a question may be asked before it delegitimizes itself? And, I finally did receive an answer. I was told and others (paraphrasing) that there is no guarantee because people are inherently dishonest, they’ll use it, reap its benefits, and then return the unused portion. And if I believe otherwise, I’m naive and looking at the world through rose colored glasses. Hardly a glowing endorsement for the honesty of the product, especially given the gobs of perceived hyperbole being thrown around this thread. You’ve obviously read through the posts, it’s all right in there. If you were contemplating buying this product, would that answer sit well with you? I was trying to get straight up answers to straight up questions, regardless of what you may think, and it devolved into a tit for tat with Frank. Now that Mr. Mrock has chimed in, I will address my questions to him. Good day to you.