Is my Amp OK?

I recently bought brand new speakers - Revel f208. Using them with Cary Audio DMS-500 DAC and Rotel RB-1590.

While I love the sound I am getting, and I am 100% sure the speakers and DAC are great, I feel that I can do better with the Amp. True? If so, what do I get to replace the Rotel RB-1590?
Yep! that's exactly right. I don't know what I don't know. There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns :-)

While it sounds good, I wonder if there is anything I can make it sound better. The everlasting quest for holy grail!
Work on the room acoustics ( if you have not done so yet ).
Yes of course. Use REW also. But probably not enough. I would need to hire some professionals. 
I have the F208 on order and should be breaking them in soon with a Red Dragon Audio S500. 
Will let you know then. 
This is the fun part...try some different amps and see what it does. Your about to go on a fun journey and remember if it sounds great, it is! Trust your ears. Speakers need to break in for at least 50 -100 hours before they open up and sound good and you said your revels are new.

Matt m