See p. 1 for Tweak comments - and many other pages
No listening tests + no science + high prices... what does that add up to???
>>>>All I see are positive comments by you and Frank. So, Frank doesn’t like Quicksilver Gold, doesn’t know you can’t get QG anymore but, like you, thinks Tweek is great. I guess that puts me in the color me suspicious camp. 🙄 I had Tweek. That’s how I know it turns into greenish black goop. That’s science, Junior!
What does a 5 second Google search turn up?
“Be very careful using this stuff as tended to gum things up and/or caramelise when dumped in places like tube sockets.”
“Nasty stuff, I can’t tell you the number of RCA jacks that I have seen that once had Tweek on them and the chemical damaged....looking at the jacks under magnification looked like the gold plating had been "blasted" off the substrate....”
“The biggest disaster was the original Tweak (sic), a contact enhancer which was especially good at boosting bass. After many months it turned to goo on your contacts, screwed up the sound and was a real hassle to get off.”
See p. 1 for Tweak comments - and many other pages
No listening tests + no science + high prices... what does that add up to???
>>>>All I see are positive comments by you and Frank. So, Frank doesn’t like Quicksilver Gold, doesn’t know you can’t get QG anymore but, like you, thinks Tweek is great. I guess that puts me in the color me suspicious camp. 🙄 I had Tweek. That’s how I know it turns into greenish black goop. That’s science, Junior!
What does a 5 second Google search turn up?
“Be very careful using this stuff as tended to gum things up and/or caramelise when dumped in places like tube sockets.”
“Nasty stuff, I can’t tell you the number of RCA jacks that I have seen that once had Tweek on them and the chemical damaged....looking at the jacks under magnification looked like the gold plating had been "blasted" off the substrate....”
“The biggest disaster was the original Tweak (sic), a contact enhancer which was especially good at boosting bass. After many months it turned to goo on your contacts, screwed up the sound and was a real hassle to get off.”