Is my Amp OK?

I recently bought brand new speakers - Revel f208. Using them with Cary Audio DMS-500 DAC and Rotel RB-1590.

While I love the sound I am getting, and I am 100% sure the speakers and DAC are great, I feel that I can do better with the Amp. True? If so, what do I get to replace the Rotel RB-1590?
I have the F208 on order and should be breaking them in soon with a Red Dragon Audio S500. 
Will let you know then. 
This is the fun part...try some different amps and see what it does. Your about to go on a fun journey and remember if it sounds great, it is! Trust your ears. Speakers need to break in for at least 50 -100 hours before they open up and sound good and you said your revels are new.

Matt m
Sonic differences between well designed amplifiers are minimal at most. All relevant measurements of good amplifiers show imperfections that are well below human hearing acuity. The only remaining things that matter are the potential for gain mismatch on the input (not infrequent) which can lead to clipping and a harsh (some say lively) sound, clipping of the output because of insufficient power (not an issue in your case) and load sensitivity (not likely with this combination). In short, relax.
The only potential sonic issue is room acoustics  and it will be many many orders of magnitude larger than any minute differences between this and another good amplifier. Of course, if you compare it with an other amplifier you may hear differences, but that will be because many audiophile amplifiers are far worse, even if more expensive.
What makes you hear that its not?

What, in the sound would you want to hear/feel different? Subwoofer?

I've heard these are great amps/speakers and you should have more then enough power so tell us what is missing!  Have you tried other amps to compare?  If not, haul those speakers down to a good shop and let them help you.  You only want to buy from somebody that cares enough about audio that you get what you need.  We would all like to have 100s of thousands in our gear but that is  "Stupid Crazy". Friend of mine coined the phrase...

these and other exciting ideas.

Whoa! Hey! What?! Minimum differences between amplifiers at best? Is someone channeling Julian Hirsch, the bullet headed dude from Stereo Review?