@gillatgh - what speaker cables are you using?.
Your amp looks like a high current design?
If so - it may be experiencing an oscilation reaction with the speaker cables - i.e. if the cables have a high capacitance value it will staret oscillating - which will impact the sound
Selecting a speaker cables that has a capacitance of 10-20 pf/ft should eliminate the high frequency oscillation - if this is the problem
Van den Hul D352 or NAIM NAC A5 are two affordable cables that are low capacitance in the 10-15 pf/ft and they are pretty good performers.
By comparison - Cardas Golden Cross has a capacitance rating of 154 pF/foot.
A friend drove both his Ayre and Gryphon amps to destruction using high capacitance cables - not good.
Solid State amps having a High Current design will have this issue - whereas tube designs WILL NOT have an issue with high capacitance cables.
For high quality/resolution cables that will work very well with high current designs take a look at the KLE Innovations product line. I have reviewd many of theri products and they are first class and they work extremely well with my NAIM 5i - also a high current design.
Hope hat helps - Steve
Your amp looks like a high current design?
If so - it may be experiencing an oscilation reaction with the speaker cables - i.e. if the cables have a high capacitance value it will staret oscillating - which will impact the sound
Selecting a speaker cables that has a capacitance of 10-20 pf/ft should eliminate the high frequency oscillation - if this is the problem
Van den Hul D352 or NAIM NAC A5 are two affordable cables that are low capacitance in the 10-15 pf/ft and they are pretty good performers.
By comparison - Cardas Golden Cross has a capacitance rating of 154 pF/foot.
A friend drove both his Ayre and Gryphon amps to destruction using high capacitance cables - not good.
Solid State amps having a High Current design will have this issue - whereas tube designs WILL NOT have an issue with high capacitance cables.
For high quality/resolution cables that will work very well with high current designs take a look at the KLE Innovations product line. I have reviewd many of theri products and they are first class and they work extremely well with my NAIM 5i - also a high current design.
Hope hat helps - Steve