Any Bryston 4B3 amp owners out there?

I'm strongly considering a 4B3 amp purchase. Bryston's warranty and build quality are as good as it gets and the price is in my budget. Pro reviews are good, I'm just wondering what owners may think. Are you pleased with the performance, what it's matched with, etc. I'm already aware of the specs, the story behind the design, and all the press release stuff. Plain talk would be appreciated.

I used to own a 4b3 for about a month or so, did not find that it was a good match for my Rethm Saadhana speakers. I found it too blend and too mechanical sounding and a little too colourful for my taste.  It was also pulling to the left a little which I found strange, and I noticed that when I switched from Kharmas to Rethm (it was pulling to the left with Rethm).  My only explanation was that I did not notice this with Kharma since they were 89db and Rethm are more sensitive at 103db. Anyways I switched to an Italian brand and my system sang. Just my two cents.
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I went to my local hi-fi store to audition the Bryston with B&W 805d3 and 804d3 speakers. Must admit I was quite disappointed. However, it was also my first listen to the d3’s so I wasn’t sure if the culprit was the amp or speakers. We then hooked up the new Mcintosh MC-302 and it immediately exposed the Bryston as the weak link. The 302 and d3 combination sounded stellar thus it is now on the top of my upgrade list.