Picking a Tube integrated amp

Hey all. Trying to figure out my amp situation and am looking at a few integrated to upgrade to. 

I currently have a McIntosh integrated and want to move to tubes. I have the vivid v1.5speakers and a Clearaudio Concept. Looking at the following:

—Primaluna Dialogue premium or HP.
—Audio Research VSi60
—Octave v40SE

Question...does the AR still hold up? It’s likely it will be a used model, but curious if it’s still competing with the others I listed. Any others to consider?  


I recently traded in my Rogue M150’s and my Modwright KWA100SE for a pair of Primaluna HP Mono blocks. Also traded in my Modwright LS100 pre for the Dialogue Premmium Pre. I also spent a considerable amount of time listening to the HP integrated in Upscale’s room. Driving some Nola Viper R3 speakers. My system has never sounded this good by very wide margin. I have no doubt I didn’t need the extra power of the HP. The sound is amazing detail is great, sound stage and imagining much better than any previous amps I’ve owned. These things are dead quiet, the M150’s weren’t even close. I really liked my Rogue amps but they don’t compare to my ears and they burned through tubes pretty fast.

I was hesitant to go with PL since all the marketing sounds too good to be true. I am now a believer. I am looking forward to some tube rolling soon. The variety of tubes you can use is intriguing but, may be the one drawback of the amp. I could really spend a lot on trying different tubes!!

The integrated and the monoblocks/pre share many of the same components. I can’t imagine you would be disapointed.
Traded in my Cary sli80 for PL Dialogue HP and have never looked back. The KT 150's sound great in them. 
Far better than anything discussed above - Pathos Acoustics Inpol2 flagship integrated, pure class A, fully balanced.
I have owned 2 Primaluna integrated amps - the Prologue 2, then moved up to the Dialogue 2 - liked then both then moved to separates, the Dialogue Premium power amp (not hp) and Prologue Premium preamp. Right now I am running Spendor SP2/3s and loving it. Also have Martin Logan ESLs. I love the Triode mode. You can also really tweak your sound as desired with input and power tubes. It is teally like having 2 amps in one with various combos. Last night with the Spendors, and PL spinning Aimee Mann’s latest and running EL34s - it was great!
The Pathos Acoustics Inpol2 is in a totally different league than all the above integrateds mentioned.  Pure class A, balanced from input to output, uses tubes for input voltage gain, MOSFETS for output current gain. First introduced in 2006, it is still produced today and remains Pathos' flagship integrated amp!