Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Also: are the drivers easy enough to replace once you receive the part?
I replaced a tweeter in my CS1.6s. If you can work a screwdriver and soldering iron, you're in business.
Another fine evening with the CS2.4SE. They sound even better tonight, maybe because everything is warmed up after the ride in the FedEx truck. I played a bit with location and toe-in, found a spot I like and put the outriggers on.

Other than zero audible output below 30-32 cycles, I don't hear any notable shortcomings from this speaker! Near SOTA neutrality, resolution, transparency, and soundstaging. Can't ask for more at this price point.
thanks to those responding to my posts about the drivers failing.  both times it was the midrange part of the driver that failed but of course the entire unit had to be replaced which is not hard to do.   the first time was only about two months after i had the speakers so it may just have been defective from the get go.  the second time was about two year into use and by then i had acquired the fantastic PS Audio BHK amp, so i know it was not clipping from lack of power.  I play them loud but not really ever above 85 db as measured by the app on my phone.  i played the older Thiel speakers just as loud an had no problems with the 2.4's for the seven years i had them.  i had the 2.2's for about 16 years and did lose one tweeter but that was it.  I do have one backup just in case,  but wonder how long Rob will be able to take care of us.   

Beetlemania, Thiel Audio used to suggest only using "Endust" for keeping cabinets clean.  They said most other products leave "fisheye".

The Les Pauls you mentioned are mine.I was going to sell them to go back to B&W,but decided to hold on to them for awhile?Now I have B&Ws upstairs and my 3.7s downstairs.Working well this way!My B&W system is more for movies anyway.