How important is the rack you use for your components

I’ve been browsing thru people’s systems on audiogon and have seen all different kinds of racks, shelves, bookcases , stands etc. For people’s equipment. My question is how important is the rack to the sound of the system. Has anyone gone from a basic rack to a premium and/or home constructed rack and noticed a marked improvement? And when I say marked, I mean marked. Looking for input
For one thing, no manufacturer I know claims his vibration isolation device is the absolute best, to use your words. That is a Strawman argument. It’s not nice to make stuff up. To suggest that any significant reduction in seismic vibration by ANY means available is not up to date or even accurate. Nobody ever said, myself included, that vibration isolation is a 100% deal. In fact, anyone who knows anything knows it’s not. Earth to Tom! Hel-loo!

Even LIGO - the project to detect Gravity Waves, with its extremely powerful isolation systems - showed in calculations that even their heroic isolation systems were not 100%. Hel-loo! This is all nothing more than a rehash of the ridiculous argument started by Michael Green and propagated by some others in some sort of ill conceived argument to try and bolster coupling as the only game in town, that there’s no such thing as isolation. Give me a break!

For one thing, no manufacturer I know claims his vibration isolation device is the absolute best, to use your words.

Geoffrey C Kait, when was the last time you shopped or purchased from a dealer or heard a salesman pitching you on “the best”? Are you really that naive?

It’s not nice to make stuff up.

Everyone has their own opinion.

Obviously you have NOT been involved in the equipment racking industry for what… eighteen years or so? A lot has changed in the marketplace since you built and sold one or maybe a handful of racks back in the day.

To suggest that any significant reduction in seismic vibration by ANY means available is not up to date or even accurate.

I never suggested anything - period. You have a poor habit of putting words into the mouths of others in order to help make your point; which is what again?

Just stated there is no scientific proof via third party testing where seismic vibration from the earth affects audio equipment performance.

And in our opinion, when loudspeakers and volume are present - airborne resonance becomes the 'Control' factor and primary source of resonance caused from vibration in the sound room. At least we can HEAR, feel and easily locate where the majority of resonant energy is originating from helping us to understand more about room acoustics.

Nobody ever said, myself included, that vibration isolation is a 100% deal.

The fact there is limited or no proof of performance via science backed out through third party testing (including our own designs) is the point being made by members ‘prof’, ‘terry9’ and a few others. 

They stated that racking and footer technologies are all subjective and have no proof of function from science and has no type of standard test scenario. At this point in time they are absolutely correct. Do you agree?

This is all nothing more than a rehash of the ridiculous argument started by Michael Green and propagated by some others in some sort of ill conceived argument to try and bolster coupling as the only game in town, that there’s no such thing as isolation. Give me a break! .

 Again Geoffrey, you are posting absolutely "false statements and accusations". 

From the very first day we participated on this forum, Geoffrey C. Kait has disparaged our company, products, technical approach, technology and successes but more importantly insulted our people time after time including childish name calling. This has been an ongoing problem not only with us as history and the internet shows him being tossed off other audio related forums for this type of behavior.

Geoffrey never once took us up on our multiple offers to send him a product for audition (free of charge) or visit one of our sound rooms (all expenses paid) to learn something new about sound. To date, every time we participate on a topic, he is the very next reply on posting up more whimsical nonsense in attempts to shut down any conversation that does not match his understanding, hinders the sale of his own products or takes away from his argumentative agenda.

We are going to take Geoffrey's own words - “ill conceived argument” and provide proof via science that a new technology exists. Whether he believes the Lab data and test results is no concern to us.

In closing: Our efforts will offer something more for audiophiles other than subjectivity in hopes it will kick start other companies to do the same.

I apologize to everyone for having to reply to this individual again. It is apparent now more than ever he believes a lot in himself and unfortunately realizes all his posts on isolation and product performance are just personal opinions lacking scientific proof. Geoffrey is clearly upset knowing he has suddenly become one of us...

As always, Good Listening!


Star Sound


I will take you up on your offer for "all expenses paid" to one of your sound rooms. I live in Arizona. Are you game, or just trying to prove a point?

Robert, I am well versed in the There’s no such thing as isolation school of thought you belong to. I dealt with your brother in arms and Grand Poobah of The School of Coupling, Michael Green, over on Stereophile forum at length on many subjects. I see through you like you were made of glass. One question, though. What makes you guys so angry? 😡 You need to chill, it’s only a hobby, Bobby.

Sorry the AEP trip offer was extended to Kait a ways back. We offered this to him in order so he could meet and shake the hands of the people he was insulting and calling names. You know be a real man and not a chicken hiding behind a keyboard all the time.

Some things never change. 

If you are in the market for a room design, please give me a call and I am sure we can work something out in order for you to audition the studio.
