If you want to put a pair of Sonus Faber on your list, the Venere line sounds much better than the Chameleon line, if the looks are ok for you. Either the Venere 2.5 or 3.0 fit into your proposed budget.Yes, Sonus Faber Venere sounds much better than the Chameleon, but when you recommending a pair of speakers to someone, you need to consider the amplifier to pair with it. OP's amplifier is a Yamaha P5000s ( A very good amp for the price! My friend has one, he use it to power some outdoor speakers at the pool side ), I think the Chameleon is a better choice in this case. If you demo a pair of Venere 3.0 powered by a McIntosh MC275 and powered by a Yamaha AV receiver you will know why.