Oppo105 crashing?

My Oppo 105D freezes & crashes about every other day.  Unplugging it fixes the problem, but it's getting annoying.  Has anyone had this problem?  Is there a fix?  Is there a better device to stream Tidal with balanced outs under $2,000?

Thank you for your time!
Thank you @erik_squires 
I'm already using an ethernet cable.  I know it's not a network issue because I'm streaming the same services on other devices with zero issues.  It also freezes during disc play.  It's on its own shelf in an open rack in a cool basement (temperature-wise, not bragging).  If it was once every 3 weeks, I'd be okay with it, but it's nearly every day.  

Any other ideas?
I have it connected to an Integra DHC 80.3 pre/pro.  The Integra is connected to a Sony projector.  I often listen to music without the projector on and it crashes/freezes either way.  
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I would contact Oppo. I suspect it's a connectivity issue. I had dropouts also with my 105D when I switched from Samsung to Sony. My Sony Bravia e900 XBR must be on or dropouts occur. Oppo stated that Sony is the only manufacturer that they have this issue with. 

Call Oppo, they will answer your questions.  Good luck!