PS: And remember not all balanced inputs or outputs are real, as in this. Sometimes they just throw a balanced opamp in on the end of the single ended output to create a false balanced output, this goes for inputs as well.
FWIW I’m using the XLR out from the Yggy (true balanced design) into my Musical Fidelity XLR input (NOT truly balanced design, converted to SE internally) and it sounds great; and I mean grate. :)
I did "test and compare" the SE out from the Yggy into RCA of the MF. The sound "quality" is the same, but as you know the gain is lower with SE. I’m using short cable (3 foot) in any case. I prefer the XLR because of the increased gain, allowing me to lower the volume of the amp and thereby obtain lower distortion. At least that’s how my mind believes things to be :) Note that the lowering of volume is not within the "zone" that someone like Ralph (atmasphere) would consider detrimental to distortion.