Glad you can appreciate Stanford, cribbing and all. Speaking of cribbing, I was just listening to a real Irishman, Hamilton Harty, who quotes the ’Garry Owen’ in one of his pieces. At least he was Irish! No so much for the 7th Infantry or a couple of movies out of Hollywood. FWIW this tune is a real earworm. You might even try Harty’s "Irish Symphony" where it appears, by Thompson on Chandos if you are inclined.
Following Stanford you might try Arnold Bax. His symphonies and tone poems appear in a set and two separate discs by Handley devoted to his synphonies and tone poems and Bryden Thompson has recorded all of his symphonies, tone poems, etc, on Chandos. One place to start on this music might be Thompsons single disc on Chandos of the 4th Symphony and one of my favorite Bax pieces, Tintangel (a historical and picturesque location on the cliffs of Cornwall). You might also like some of his piano/orchestral music played by Margaret Fingerhut, the LSO by Thompson, Winter Legends and Symphonic Variations (On 2 discs. I’d probably start with Winter Legends.