Who makes budget speaker cables which are truly “good” or “exceptional” in quality?

A dealer of mine convinced me into buying Analysis Plus speakers cables that I have enjoyed for a few years now. I noticed some other companies making speaker cables for many multiples of $1k and wondered how many truly good companies are making budget speaker cables nowadays? Who are they? What are the prices?  I had Blue Jean speaker cables some years back and thought they were as good as the Analysis Plus brand I have now. What is your brand? 
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I use JW Audio, which are 12 gauge OFC pure copper. They sound strong and clear and I think I payed around $80 for an 8' pair. Super performance at real world prices, if your not one who has to have silver in their set up. They are a bit stiff and stubborn to install so you probably wouldn't want any woman or children around when doing so.

All the best

To me the best speaker cables and interconnects are Straightwire Crescendo. I upgraded from Strightwire Virtuoso and definitely hear a difference. 
My Acer Racing 600 strand silver plated 12awg copper just arrived. Very nice wire. It will make awesome hook up wire, never mind for speaker cable. I have solid silver spades I made from a 99.999 1oz. flat bar. I'll make up some cables and report back. You can check this wire out at acerracing.com. It's called silver worm.