When is your Hifi good enough?

Just wondering what makes people tick in regards to determining when things sound "good enough"?

For me I have a vision in my mind of how things should sound based on what I have heard over the years.  Once it sounds that way, I am done.   I can still enjoy listening to other sounds or sounds that omit some things I might want otherwise but if I do not get regular samplings of "that sound" I probably start to wonder.
When I look forward to listening to it. I do.
When it makes me happy to listen to it. I does.
When I've stopped obsessing over the next "upgrade". I have. 
When listening to it brings peace and joy. It does.
Hi czarivey!
I don't know about tabs or chords, but I hate typos. Re-reading my post it should have said "It does", instead of "I does" at the end of the second sentence.
I hate typos, even more so when they're mine...
Just listened to the remastered Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits during a longer-than-normal lunch break.
Thanks to the room treatment from Primacoustic, I was:
Looking forward to listening,
Insanely happy whilst listening,
Not thinking about upgrading,
Full of peace and joy.
I am blessed to have a dedicated room, a dedicated AC line, the aforementioned room treatments, and an understanding wife.
