Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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Comparison with other box speakers is reasonable, although
the stunt suggested by Onhwy61 is over the top. On the other hand, no box speaker should be compared with planar or open baffle speakers because the spatial distribution characteristics are completely different, and may be preferred by some and disliked by others. I, for example, place high value on planar characteristics, and I am willing to accept their limited LF extension and the need for a powerful amplifier.
Regardless the sound,

Using $39 midbass, $27 tweeter, and cheap binding post for 2 way monitor is rip-off.
I have decided to take a chance on these speakers. I really do not care what kind of drivers they have or what the cabinets are made of. I listened to all the tech information that Robert told me about on the phone. It all sounds great, but the only thing I am interested in is the sound. The bottom line for me is I have 30 days to listen. If I do not think that the speakers are worth it, back they will go. I will only be out $100 shipping to me and half of that back to them. $150 total. Belive me, $5000 is a lot of money to me. I am currently on disability and have a fixed income. I sold my old system and am starting over. If these speakers are not awsome, I will not keep them. If they are what others owners are saying they are, I will have no problem paying their price. I warned Robert on the phone that I will tell it like it is. If I don't like the Carevelles, I will let people know. He said that he is not worried. The company seems very confident of their product. That was one of the reasons I thought I would give them a shot. We will see.
Twl as you know all the signal in a series crossover has to be played unlike a parallel crossover where some of the signal is dumped to ground..Seems to me that a parallel crossover with some of its signal dumped to ground, that unused signal would find its way back into the amplifier maybe as some kind of grunge or noise certainly as some out of phase aberation that may be passed along with the next waveform..Also most every parallel crossover designs have their components wired exclusively to the positive side only..leaving the amplifier dealing with a load that is unbalanced at the speaker end and no chance of ever working in symmetry. Tom
Good-day Onhwy61:

Star Sound does not have the financial capital of $500,000 in speaker inventory to loan out just to satisfy your curiosity. However, we do offer our 100% Total and Complete Satisfaction Guarantee which would permit 100 listening enthusiasts to sample the Caravelle within their own environment complemented by our money back return policy (less shipping charges).

We wish we could attract a personality like John Stossel to our hobby but in the meantime we could attain the opinions of Mr. James Harger, Audio Engineer from ABC, Inc. who first listened to the Caravelle at The Show in Las Vegas. He personally requested a pair of loudspeakers for his ABC studio in San Francisco. We can always request from Mr. Harger a written opinion on the performance of these monitors and would be happy to publish his findings for you – pass or fail.

If we had $500,000 to spend on Caravelle auditions, Star Sound in turn would rather build five listening rooms, install them into tractor trailers and schedule a free “Listen To This” tour exposing to all the colleges of the US and Canada just how satisfying the enjoyment for listening to music can be. Beyond any doubt, this program would increase the overall quantity of enthusiasts for our industry as the results of this endeavor would benefit all. There is one item that every Audiophile has in common with each other; we all remember the day we got “hooked”.

As always – Good Listening!

Robert Maicks

Star Sound Technologies, LLC