Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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Theaudiotweak...In the basic parallel crossover no signal is "dumped to ground". In some cases a crossover may include a RLC network that damps woofer driver resonance, and this will shunt a very small proportion of power at a particular frequency. Also it is not all that unusual to find crossover components in the return leg...Magnepan MG1.6 are one example.

It really does not sound like there is too much risk here. I have not heard a single negative thing on these speakers and I am an Audio and Music Junkie. I would love to see a follow up with your impression of the speakers. Good Luck and Congrats on your decision and purchase.

To lonelynote and others- Unless I miss my guess, Onhwy61 was "riffing" on the DK Integrated Amplifier marketing hype/Audiogon demo thing, where they solicited volunteers via Audigon, to do an in-home "review" to be published unedited, on-line. No one expects a small, high end co to dedicatee $0.5 million to such a promotion.
'Course, now that I say that, onhwy will come right back and insist that he was serious. But really, run a forum search on DK Design and you will read all about it.
onhwy61, In my review, I didn't say the Caravelle's alone had better bass than my MAXX, but the bass that was there was deep, full, dynamic and detailed for a 7 inch woofer, but bettered with a subwoofer. If you saw my pictures you will see I added a very moderately priced sub from Sunfire that reproduced better bass than my MAXX. I am not saying the MAXX doesn't have great bass with the right electronics and big enough room to reproduce good bass. I am saying in my smaller room the bigger woofers on the MAXX can't breath and the Caravelle and sub set up killed the MAXX in every area...dynamics, musicality (especially the tweeter and voices on midrange) better detail, space, depth of sound stage, bloom around the notes, bass wasn't even close. By the way, I am not a newbee to audiogon. Just because I didn't sell anything until 1999, doesn't mean I haven't been a member. In fact, my original name was audionut, but Bob at asked if I would give him that name because that was his business name the past 30 years and I said, "yes"..You are the equivalent of doubting Thomas, one of the apostles who wouldn't believe Christ rose from the dead until he could put his hands in the wounds in his wrist and side...go listen to them so you too will be a believer.
To clarify as an owner of Caravelles. In a smaller room, which I have, the Caravelle's are fine without a sub, unless you are an organ music lover, in which case you may want a sub. In a larger room, the sub helps, for sure, which was the case at hifimaniac's room. What surprised me in the big room is that the Caravelle's did not thin out at all...but maintained warmth and musicality. I honeslty felt they would get somewhat lost in a bigger room, that is why I brought them over to hifimaniac's house. But in fact, they threw an incredible soundstage, were dynamic as can be and never hardened when cranked to uncomfortable listening levels and had NO PROBLEM filling the room. It was some of the best audio I have ever heard. It had me saying outloud things like WOW, during the music it was so much fun. To me, assuming the timbre is correct, which the Caravelles certainly are, the next thing is dynamics...this is where music moves me. This is where the Caravelles really shine. I would like to hear other owners opinions on this. Yes, they do all the really great audiophile things, imaging, transparency and soundstage, but I think they are some of the most dynamic speakers out there. You will not be sorry. I don't know of anyone who has them that isn't really enjoying them.