Can you recommend a good Pre-Amp for my audio system?

I have Joseph Audio speakers and NAD receiver. My existing old PS Audio pre-amp is at end of life. I mainly listen to vinyl records and CD’s and sometimes cassette tapes on my system.

Without having to splurge, what is a good replacement pre-amp would you audiophiles recommend that would do the job?

Much appreciated.

Das Dasgupta
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Why not stick with PS Audio if you have been happy with your current preamp?
The Belles Aria preamp. Has the rich liquid midrange of a tube preamp
that would take the Joseph speakers to a higher level of sound quality.
I should mention that I own a Schiit Freya and my only complaint is that the LEDs are too bright (as was the one on the Loki)…at least before I carefully hit 'em with a sharpie to dim them a little. Don't tell Schiit…it could void my warranty.
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