like any other cable and equipment piece, there is a break-in period. Before it settles down into it’s optimal performance status.
That includes ALL the new components, including your new cables and electronics.
For me, the REGA ISIS Valve cdp and the REGA OSIRIS integrated amp jointly and severally took about 400-odd hours for the initial 90% level of new gear break-in; with an incremental audio performance improvement series of steps on its Yellow Brick Road to Audio OZ .... and it it was NOT a linear process either. Rather, it was an irregular and totally ad hoc series of steps . Go figger... there were flat periods and then .... oh.... it sounds a bit better.
(1).... patience...patience..... on BOTH your new electronics AND cables break-in period.
My power cable break-in ( all cables actually....) was done in parallel to the electronics, but intuitively, I never tracked it separately . However, there likely is not going be any quick fix magic bullet "ah-ha moment " as soon as you take the brand new power cable out of its pouch and just plug it in. If the ISIS experience above is any better yardstick, your new electronics may follow a similar timeframe.
(2) The REGA cdp electronics in my experience crave a warm-period of at least 2 hrs (?overnight is better ....) to see that "edge" and any sibilance evaporate .