Some more advice, once you've got that TT set up don't neglect to consider further investment in accessories to clean that vinyl you've been accumulating as well as a good carbon fiber record brush.
Anti-static treatments are also a must, I use a Milty anti-static gun, you can pick one up for less than 100$. There are other solutions but the Milty is reliable and one of the least expensive.
Finally, get a tonearm stylus brush or something like an Onzow to clean your needle. It's disconcerting at first how much gunk can get picked up from even the cleanest seeming vinyl.
Onzow is a glob of soft sticky plastic that does a pretty good job of cleaning the stylus without putting too much pressure on the stylus.
Anti-static treatments are also a must, I use a Milty anti-static gun, you can pick one up for less than 100$. There are other solutions but the Milty is reliable and one of the least expensive.
Finally, get a tonearm stylus brush or something like an Onzow to clean your needle. It's disconcerting at first how much gunk can get picked up from even the cleanest seeming vinyl.
Onzow is a glob of soft sticky plastic that does a pretty good job of cleaning the stylus without putting too much pressure on the stylus.