Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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"How do you figure the Caravelles have em all beat?"

Only you and few people here who say that.

Whatever you do with the $39 Peerless and $27 Seas it won't sound good, let's not say great please.

"see what Srajan says"

Ussualy, he will describe the parts and components in detail with some photos and prices on his review. Let's wait wheter he will make an exception in this case to cover it up something or not.

$132 (MSRP) for all drivers and sell it for $5,000?

I'm just wondering how much did you really pay for it?
If it's even needed it !
Gendut3...I think that a "$39 Peerless and $27 Seas" with the right enclosure and crossover might sound good, and I bet that a few people have already put their orders in to Madisound. It's the price that seems out of line. But as I said before "it's your nickle".
Eldartford,personally,i haven't heard the CSC-X but i owned the HDS 850467,it's still cheap at $62.80. (top of the line with the same cone material).

I always test the drivers (except tweeter) with no X-over to get the original timbre/tonality.

The HDS was a shamed compare with SS 18W/8531G-00.

If the top of the line was unlistenable,what do you expect from his brother?
Gendut3, my man. You are very naive if you think that the sole determing factor of speaker pricing rests on the cost of the drivers, alone. I'm not going to go into Economics 101 with you, but it seems you're a tad angry about the $5k. How is it that a Mont Blanc pen (parts are $4.50) sells for $100. Have any idea what the driver/price ratio of other hi end speakers is? The core, the DNA, the soul of a two way (or any speaker) speaker is in the crossover. You think a crossover, like the one, developed for the Caravelle comes from Radio Shack? Also, you obviously do not have a clue about the dedicated stands, their complexity, cost and their sonic relationship to the Caravelles. I could go on, but I think I should wait 'til a professional reviewer puts their tympanics on the line. You can take it up with him. 'tis late, and I'm getting tired. Tomorrow, after a good nights sleep, my grey matter reignited, I'll (maybe) go at it some more if this thread still lives...good night..peace, warren
Please send me a sample of your rendition of this product so I may compare with the original..Tom