More Bad News AT Thiel

According to Ted at Thiel is on the verge of closing. According to the Chief Engineer who was let go Dennis Crosson Thiel is done. Upper management has denied this and stated they are planning to move into the next phase. Very confusing. Looks like Classe all over again. Very interesting article on what's going on.
Al Griffen of had a review of the Thiel $899 Aurora Home Wireless speaker. Okay at normal levels but the top end tended to be harsh. He compared the Thiel w/the Naim Mu-so Qb and the $499 Riva Audio Festival both of which gave a wider presentation w/better more defined base. His final conclusion was the Thiel was overpriced for what it delivered. However he did like the looks.
As I enter 2018, I am not so sure that I want a "new" Thiel loudspeaker.
The reason- there are too many original and excellent JT models in the secondary  marketplace.
Happy Listening!
The new floors standers and the monitor are pretty much gone. They are made to order. Looks like there are no takers. Thiel Facebook  and twitter have been very quiet since mid December. They were betting on the wireless speakers and it seems that they lost. Not a lot of current and former Thiel owners flocking toward the new products.
I wish someone would/could pick up where Jim Thiel left off.  They don't need to come out with new stuff every couple of years like other brands but when a real upgrade is possible I wish it could be brought to market.  I'm thinking the only way is if the company gets bought by another speaker manufacturer and a few Thiel philosophy speakers are sold for people who are fans of Jim's designs.  

It does seem like the wireless speakers they were trying to sell are about done.  The website has the $900 Home listed at $675 and the top says 40% off your order so it looks like they're blowing these turds out at less than half price.  A sure sign that there's no demand.  What a bunch of dopes. 
The new floors standers and the monitor are pretty much gone. They are made to order.
Really? There is no info about that on the webpage, nor any listings of dealers for such products. What can still be ordered and how do you find out about it?