Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
Warrenh,what do you think inside your speakers? I'm even surprised if there is any Mundorf Silver Supreme cap or silver coils in it to match with those drivers.

I'm not angry with 5K speakers as long as they are reasonable priced.

Let's say Mini Utopia Be retail for 6K,they are imported from France. They have a US distributor and their speakers needed to be shipped plus custom tax. And look at their ads which cost them much more than the speakers it self every month on many magazines around the world!

If JM labs eliminate the US distributor,they can sell Mini Be for around 3.5K to 4K and still make a huge profit.

If they eliminate their ads,they can sell less than 2.5K.

There is no comparison between the Caravelle drivers and Mini Be drivers,not the performance and not the cost.

(I pick JM labs for example purpose only !)

Don't fool anyone with telling $27 low cost Seas Tweeter is better than Be tweeter !

I heard their top of the line Millenium Tweeters in many speakers and they cannot match with the Be,not even closed.

The cabinet,binding post, and X-over for Mini are also much more costly.

"Mont Blanc pen (parts are $4.50) sells for $100"

I'm OK with that even at $200. Look at their cost for bringing up their brand name ! Ads ! Elegant high-end Stores ! Etc.

I heard the Jmlabs Micro Bes for a good one hour demo at Sound by Singer. I was very impressed and set to buy them. After listening to the Caravelles I changed my tune. I preferred the Caravelles top to bottom. In fact, I listened to the Altos for a good while. Wasen't impressed for the $17k. Hey, whatever rocks your boat. I go with my ears; and they NEVER steer me wrong. Living in the NYC area, I've be able to listen to some serious speakers. The Caravelles are among the best I've heard. I know you picked the Jmlabs, just to make your point, but while we're on the subject?-they are, for my taste, great, but VERY overpriced speakers. Look, we can beat this to death. Bottom line? You never heard the Caravelles. I've heard them and all the speakers I mentioned. Look before you leap! Somehow, I think that after YOU listen, You won't want to pay the $5k+. Let's just wait and see. This is America. Starsound can charge anything they want. You can buy anything you want. Too costly? People won't buy them. There's capitalism/supply and demand in action. I would suppose, for most audiophools, regardless of the innards, the test comes down to listening to your tunes. If you got the dough you're going to buy these babies. Or at the least, put them on your top 5 list. peace, warren
Warrenh...Agreed that this is America, and people can charge whatever other people are willing to pay. Just the same, the information about the modest guts of the Caravelles is of interest, if only to encourage the many people who can't afford them to get into the DIY speaker game.
Pal, you will not hear the ports, ever. Period.

BTW I have compared the Caravelle's with other monitors, and full range speakers and its strengths are WAY beyond 'subjectively' better, imo.