Putting your components inbetween your speakers.

Would like to know if there is any truth about putting your components inbetween your speakers will affect the imaging other than an amp between the speakers on the floor.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Positioning them on a rack in between the speakers always reminds me of an altar.
My personal preference would be for having as much of the gear as possible out of sight. We have that with our modest bedroom system, with an Ava Maestro 50 digital amp with auto on/off and a Chromecast Audio as its only source. It sits hidden away, and comes on if I use a Chromecast app on my phone.
Putting your components inbetween your speakers.

Good if you want to ruin your depth and sound staging ability.

Cheers George
I have tried many setups and have found I get the best sound with nothing in the "listening triangle."
@handymann - RE:
I have tried many setups and have found I get the best sound with nothing in the "listening triangle."
So an interpretation of that could be to have the equipment in between the speakers, but far enough back so they are not in the listening triangle.

That is my current setup - I am fortunate enough to have the speakers 8 ft from the wall behind them and the component rack is located just in front of that wall - so about 5 ft behind the speakers. Of course the 20ft of space behind the listening position and the broadloom on the floor also helps eliminate reflections, which can degrade the overall image.

This is also the setup a couple of Audio stores that I frequent tend to use in their better sound rooms.

In my previous house I was not so fortunate and the image, although very good, never had the depth to the imageĀ  I now enjoy and it always seemed to be "focused" around the components.

After my initial setup in the new house the image was so good I saw no need to try other setups.

So I guess I can confirm one aspect of your statement above :-)

Regards - Steve
hi I too moved my system away from the "normal" place between the speaker and i helped in every way. Better imageing and more focus.
Remember that between the speaker is the highest soundpreasure.
It did however require a balanced setup in order to have long ic to the monoes.
Having all the equipment except the speakers mounted on the walls is also working very well.
regards Thastum