Same experience here. Someone saw my ads on markt de and requested me to send the picture of serial number, the next day, the picture of the product in close up, the next day again, the video of the equipment when playing and finally, my picture with the product at the background. The next day, he disappeared without a trace.
Buyer wants copy of passport?
I have bought and sold expensive equipment for may years both here on audiogon and on Europe’s audio and I have good feedback on both.
for years buyers was satisfied with photo of the equipment and as a buyer I was to.
Now buyers wants videos of the equipment playing and also copy of passport and pictures of yourself together with the equipment. Would you accept such demands?
sending pictures of passports to a stranger seems not so comfortable !.?
for years buyers was satisfied with photo of the equipment and as a buyer I was to.
Now buyers wants videos of the equipment playing and also copy of passport and pictures of yourself together with the equipment. Would you accept such demands?
sending pictures of passports to a stranger seems not so comfortable !.?
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- 52 posts total
- 52 posts total