@reubent "Lastly, what happens if you are unable to place you speakers in the optimal position due to extenuating circumstances such as WAF (not an issue for me in my man-cave) or finding that the optimal position is right in the middle of your foot traffic pattern?"
As I believe the loudspeaker-room interface represents the most important link in the audio chain, not siting the loudspeakers optimally negates so much of the money / components folks spend on their system. It’s much like focusing a lens. A less good lens focused properly presents a much better view than a much better lens out of focus
As I believe the loudspeaker-room interface represents the most important link in the audio chain, not siting the loudspeakers optimally negates so much of the money / components folks spend on their system. It’s much like focusing a lens. A less good lens focused properly presents a much better view than a much better lens out of focus