Putting your components inbetween your speakers.

Would like to know if there is any truth about putting your components inbetween your speakers will affect the imaging other than an amp between the speakers on the floor.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Not all of us have the luxury of a large enough space to accommodate all our needs (audio and video). With the speakers out enough in front of the media rack (with the TV, etc.) improvements can be had. And, it doesn't have to be that much in front of the rack to hear an improvement. Not enough to be on par with nothing in between, but good enough.


Even though individual configuration of the room will have an important effect on the placement of equipment I am interested in whether there is any general consensus of how and where folks locate their equipment other than centered between the speakers.

Do you locate your equipment on the side wall shelves in front of/alongside/behind the line of the front of the speakers?

If on a freestanding table or rack is it against a side wall or away from the wall at a location in front of, alongside, or behind the line of the front speakers?

Somewhere else?

Issues of practicality.  How long are you speaker cables?  Or do you want to run a long interconnect to the power amp?  Or do you go for an optimal set-up and bring the extra $$ for extra long cables or interconnects?

The LG OLED sits on a low (Sanus) stand pushed back almost touching the front wall.  The backs of the speakers are over 3' out from the front wall.  The audio equipment stand is tight in a corner, behind to the right of the right speaker, because that's already a long run of speaker cable to the left speaker.  BTW, it's all set up on the long wall orientation.

The flat-screen TV made the biggest difference.  I've tried various sound-absorbing/deflecting baffles sitting in front of/over the screen, and can hear no difference at all in the soundstage vs. naked.

I have a set of magie i.7s in my fairly lg.dedicated listening room and have them just shy of 4' from the front wall and 5' apart. With my 4'w x 4'h cabinet between the speakers, even though back against the wall and some two ft. behind the plane of the speakers, I was getting some annoying glare at the top edge of female vocals. Putting 1ohm resisters in place of the solid jumpers, as suggested by Magnapan, didn't help. I replaced the 4' cabinet with a much lower (21"h x 42"w) open rack and hung ceiling to floor acoustic drapes across the wall behind and on side walls. The glare problem was solved and imaging and stage is very deep, wide and well placed. Even though my audio equipment is still between the speakers it has far less influence and since I don't like long cable runs, I am most happy with my equipment set up as it now is...Jim
Made some changes in my room recently, built a new TT Rack and located it on the side of the room, away from an overhead Heat Vent that was spewing Dry Air and Dust. Rebuilt the Center Rack also (smaller, shorter) this has cleaned up the Center Imaging as well. Win, win.

