Luckily there was no issue with power supply i’ve been woried about about in my previous posts above. The size of the iPhono2 is even smaller than i expected, the RCA sockets are too close to each other, so maybe not the best for some of the bold RCAs like the Xsadow, but was ok for my WBT 0114, Eichman Bullet and LoveCraft RCAs.
**** **** My system is ... **** ****
2 x Luxman PD-444 turntables with SAEC SS-300 mats on one of them.
Phono stages:
JLTi MM/MC phono stage with rca sockets for load resistors on the back.
WLM Phonata Reference MM/MC phono stage (upgraded).
Luxman AD8000 with silver SUT 8030 for low impedance carts
Upgraded Grado PH-1 phono stage
ZYX CPP-1 headamp
Tonearms and cartridges on this test:
Luxman TA-1 tonearm for high compliance Stanton SC-100 WOS mm cart. Victor UA-7045 tonearm with Grace F-14 LC-OFC cartridge. Lustre GST-801 with Fidelity-Research FR-7f and Ortofon SPU Royal G mkII with Replicant-100 stylus, SONY PUA-7 with Ortofon MC-2000 cartridge.
ZU Audio Druid MK5 (actually upgraded mk4) speakers with 101db efficiency. WLM Minueta tube arm with NOS telefunken and matsushita (*mullard tooling) tubes.
**** **** To make is short (about iPhono2 with MM): **** ****
I was not impressed by the sound of iPhono2 with MM cartridges, it was quiet, fast and dynamic, but a way too bright. I found all that switches useless, the RIAA is nothing but a tone control and has nothing to do with reality (as pointed by M.Fremer in his review), so i set up standard riaa curve. The capacitance load does not change much to my ears. The unfoirtunately there is no resistance load for MM cartridges which is far more important, so 47k Ohm is default setting.
Grace F-14 LC-OFC sound far more superior with 100k ohm load with JLTi phono stage. The bass impact was far more superior with WLM Phonata Reference (also with 100k ohm Vishay load resistors). Both WLM and JLTi have more weights and overall are much more comfortable than bright iPhono2 with the MM carts.
iPhono2 is better than Grado PH-1 phono stages, they are in the same price category, the Grado was $500 new, but i have changed load resistors to Vishay Naked Foil 100k instead of 47k.
Grace recommended 47-100k Ohm load for their cartridges btw.
I Would recommend JLTi for those who prefer MM cartridges, compared to iPhono2, because of the limited default 47k Ohm standard on iPhono2.
**** **** Now about iPhono2 with MC (Good news): **** ****
The iPhono2 was great with my Ortofon SPU Royal G mkII LOMC cartridge! Shockingly great for its price. I was very impressed about the sound quality, details, soundstage.
However both of my LOMC carts that worked well with iPhono2 were better with Luxman SUT + JLTi MM phono. Especially in the lower register. But the price of this combo (SUT and JLTi) is much higher. So i think for MC stage with high gain the iPhono2 is great!
But the iPhono2 does NOT work well with 0.05mV Ortofon MC2000 LOMC cartridge, 72dB gain is definitely not enough for this beast! If your cartridge is has such a low output then iPhono2 should be avoided. In fact even 1:30 Luxman silver SUT is not ideal for an Ortofon MC-2000, but much better than iPhono. The Fidelity-Research FR-7f is definitely better with SUT and my JLTi compared to iPhono2.
P.S. I will return the iPhono2 to my friend, it was nice to check it out for a few days with different cartridges. I do not have more time, but for me it’s clear. Don’t believe the hype! It is a good product, but even in this price category there are better products available with different features such as load resistors sockets. Personally i would NOT buy iPhono for MM cartridges, especially if your system is similar to mine, but it might work well for some great MC carts like the Ortofon SPU Royal G MKII (with this cartridge iPhono2 was great).