Greatest Dowsing Rod Ever Fantastic Sound Tuning Ability

At least there are some measurements to back up claims, however I question the efficacy of the product when the change with and without may be deemed by some as significant statistically, but imo marginal at -120dB. To me that says that whatever is being done is minuscule and in the realm of inaudibility. Someone with more technical expertise than me might jump in here. 

Now, having said that, if they were presented to me free to try, I likely would. My guess is they would fail my Law of Efficacy. However, I have been surprised before by products or settings which had a greater influence than I expected. But, the discussion on the website and measurements are not sufficiently compelling to seek a trial. YMMV 

There seems to be little controversy over plugs for unused jacks on components, so my guess is these would function similarly. I doubt we would get someone to do measurements on a comparison of simple plugs to these devices, but that could be insightful. I don't think I  have seen measurements for such plugs, and my guess is they might match up with the measurements of these devices closely. 
Without trying the subject of the thread in your own system fir an extended test period one cannot really draw any conclusions based on appearance, application or theory of operation. And even if the results of tests in ones own system are negative or negligible those results cannot be generalized to apply to all systems. Some audiophiles are all thumbs. Can you believe it?! If you could generalize Test Results every skeptic in town would be disparaging Mpingo discs, Schumann frequency generators, directional power cords, Message Foils, purple pens, and a host of other audiophile toys. C’est la vie! 🤠

Thank you for your message. And thanks for purchasing the Tuning Sticks.

The stabilisation time is about 7-10 days. The operation is audible from minute one. But the sound will become even more natural after this period.

The best place in your Gato amplifier is the rca for digital input. But also give the other RCA inputs a try; the difference could be audible! 
The advantage of the Tuning Stick is that they are easy to move, so that you can compare it well.

You have chosen two devices where the Tuning Sticks work well. The use of these sticks will influence the spatial representation, enhance a quiet background and reduce digital sharpness. 
This is especially audible when listening to acoustic instruments and women's voices.

If you are satisfied with the Tuning Sticks, you might consider purchasing a Triple AC Enhancer.This tuning device cleans the power supply and is our best-selling tuning product for years.

Enjoy music !
Kind regards,
If you have very good high resolution system you don't need this junk.Its a big gimmick to get you to spend more money.