Is Hi-efficiency majoring on the minors?
Okay but be careful what you wish for Less fatiguing? nice but can also mean a pulled down in the midrange response later feeling bored with the music.
Many folks interpretation on efficiency with 90 db and above numbers are often mistaken with speakers actually ringing, achieving said numbers with hi efficiency specs, but in reality with blow back into the measuring microphone compounded with their unwanted baffle reflection distortions, box ringing, Ports howling with cows mooing so forth.
As they radiate these out of time artifacts and redirect it right back into the accumulated measured numbers folks say wow 94 DB yet when the brain takes this in many are left wondering why listening fatigue prevails.
Sad but true many quick to gaze at spec types may even dismiss a better sounding 86 db speaker with an easy impedance load for a receiver without a listen and rely on these 90 plus db ringing artifact numbers as something desirable or special.
When Vandersteen was asked the question ""when are you going to make a real high efficiency great sounding speaker?""
Richard replied
""if I could make an accurate honest high-efficiency speaker with my name on it successfully id already be retired floating in the Hawaiin islands somewhere counting my dollars.""
Could it be we are listening with our eyes instead
of seeing with our ears?
Best JohnnyR
Vandersteen dealer