The best deal on audiogon right now

No affiliation with this seller at all. But there is a pair of PMC fact 8 speakers for sale for $6500. These speakers may not look like they retail for $12000, but they do and they are worth every penny. They will crush anything out there for the same money. IMO, mids and highs dont get any better regardless of price. State of the art speakers and they look gorgeous and don't dominate your room.
On a totally different price scale, but here's the best deal on speakers on Audiogon that I have seen recently. I own a pair and for $850 this is a steal! (No affiliation with seller).
I agree Frogman.
Glad they would overpower my condo space and are so far from St. Paul I don't feel bad about not buying them.
As a plus, they live in one of the nicer'burbs of my hometown so have been kharmatized by the air there.
PMC makes great speakers, but at the stated price, I'd think hard about.....

Sound Lab.

I find that Sound Lab offers on this site are always tempting because (I presume) there are so few buyers who can accommodate the huge panels that discounts get steep in a hurry. Right now, there's a pair of A-1s listed here at just under $6k, a bit cheaper than the PMCs. You might prefer the Fact 8, but I'm not at all sure which speaker I'd bet on to crush the other in a head to head audition.